
JaronTec Iris Power Monitor

Iris can power-monitor two electrical devices with up to 26V and 3.2A (INA219). The measured data is transmitted via a WiFi connection (WeMos D1 mini / ESP8266) to an Internet of Things service where it is evaluated and displayed.

Iris is completely open and custom programmable with the Arduino IDE. The board provides 5V as well as 3.3V and external devices and sensors can be connected to the various interfaces (digital, analog, PWM, I2C etc.). In addition to the basic functionality data could also be stored locally on an SD card or displayed on an LCD monitor. With the addition of sensors weather data could be collected and uploaded to a meteorological service. With all the available Arduinio libraries the possibilities are nearly limitless!

In this example Iris monitors a solar panel and the collected data is displayed on a web page.

In detail Iris measures the voltage and the current of a solar panel and its connected load. It then submits the data to a ThingSpeak (IoT) channel and after that sets itself into power saving mode. On ThingSpeak a MATLAB script calculates the power production and consumption and a web page displays the data with the help of the ThingSpeak API. The process of measuring and submitting is periodically done at a predefined interval.

If you would like to have more information about Iris or if you would like to have an Iris board use the 'Contact' link in the footer.

For the cost of shipping (~3$) we can send you the PCB only as long as stock lasts. Just give us a short overview of your projects and tell us what for you are going to use the board.